What??? I am starting a blog??

Ready for a truth bomb??  Social media makes me feel bad about myself sometimes (most of the time).  There is just something about the ability to see everyone’s highlight reel that makes MY real life seem…well sucksville.  But the longer I hang out on social media and the more I get to know about the process, the more I realize it is all a myth.  NOBODY is perfect.  Some people have bigger houses than others.  Some people have more stuff than others.  SOME people even have BETTER BIGGER stuff than others.  But NOBODY is perfect.  NO-BODY!! 

farmhouse kitchen

After 2 years of sharing my home on Instagram (@orchardslope), the comment I get asked the most is…WILL YOU COME DECORATE MY HOUSE FOR ME…OR…I WISH I COULD MAKE MY HOUSE LOOK LIKE THIS.  Every…single…day, someone asks me for help, advice, or opinions.  And guess what…I TRULY do want to help.  And I NEVER want anyone to look at my social media accounts and feel LESS THAN…because trust me…I am a hot mess express most of the time.

hot cocoa bar

I have been hesitant to start a blog for SOOO long because I felt like I didn’t have anything NEW to bring to the table.  There are A LOT of blogs out there…even a lot of DECOR related blogs out there…why throw my hat into an already full ring??  But if there is ONE thing this social media experience has taught me, it is that EVERYBODY is different.  And despite what high school girls think…DIFFERENT IS GOOD1!  What makes me different??  Well for starters I am not perfect…but more than that, I don’t pretend to be.  I don’t bake from scratch. I didn’t build my house from salvaged 200 year old barnwood.  I don’t own a garage full of power tools.  I can’t afford to buy every cool new thing that comes out.  I don’t drink enough water every day.  My house is rarely (never) clean.  I haven’t lost all the baby weight (and my youngest is almost 8).  I do NOT have my crap together…and I am ok with that.  I am trying.  Well, to be honest SOMETIMES I am trying and SOMETIMES I am binge watching Netflix and eating a jar of Nutella with a spoon.  But I am TRYING to try…and I think that counts. 

dining nook

ANDDDD besides that, I honestly think there are more Netflix and Nutella moms out there just trying to stay above water, raise kind humans, create a cozy home, and not spend (TOO much) more than they make.  And I think sometimes we hop on pinterest and see drool worthy magazine cover homes and feel like…Why do I even try???  But you know what??  Sometimes birthday parties don’t have a theme.  Sometimes dinner comes from a bag.  SOMETIMES families don’t have matching Christmas jammies because momma just don’t got time for that.  And that is ok.  That is real-life.  You CAN have a pretty living room without buying new furniture.  You can decorate your home and NOT go into debt doing it.  You DON’T need to be able to run a table saw to create the home of your dreams.  So let’s sit back and chat for a bit…you bring the Nutella and I will bring the sarcasm…um k?!? 

vintage Christmas decor


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