• How to begin to declutter your home: a 15 day challenge

    Raise your hand if you have places in your house that you would not DARE to let anybody see. Keep them raised if you have to constantly buy new stuff because you cannot FIND the stuff you already have. Anybody still hanging on to your fat clothes...or your skinny clothes...or your high school clothes even?? On the top of my shame list...a sewing room that I cannot ACTUALLY sew in because it is full of Christmas totes, a linen closet that is storing VERY few linens, and a walk in pantry that you cannot currently WALK into. I have more crap then crap storage locations and it is NOT GOING…

  • What??? I am starting a blog??

    Ready for a truth bomb?? Social media makes me feel bad about myself sometimes (most of the time). There is just something about the ability to see everyone's highlight reel that makes MY real life seem...well sucksville. But the longer I hang out on social media and the more I get to know about the process, the more I realize it is all a myth. NOBODY is perfect.