• What home-school curriculum are we using this year??

    When I initially decided to home-school Ethan, I was SUPER overwhelmed by all of the curriculum options swirling around the internet. It seemed that EVERY one had good reviews and bad reviews, pluses and minuses. SOOOO when we first started, I chose to just patchwork a curriculum together to get us started. BUT soon I realized that winging it was NOT the answer. SO I jumped into researching again, and that is when I discovered THE GOOD AND THE BEAUTIFUL. I downloaded the free Language Arts files and after the FIRST lesson I knew that I had found the answer to WHAT HOME-SCHOOL CURRICULUM will work best for my family?!?…

  • Butterflies from Insect Lore and our Arthropod Unit

    Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own. When I was growing up, I tried EVERYTHING within my power to NOT BE A NERD. But now that I am over 40 (ahem…just barely, so don’t get excited), I pretty much just embrace my inner nerd-bomber LIKE A BOSS!! So that means when we are learning about ants in our arthropod unit…I am the FIRST one to get excited about the ant farm. And when we are learning about crustaceans, I…