Netflix Christmas Movies

Are you a Hallmark movie junkie?? Do you watch them year after year over and over even though they are SOOOO predictable and you know EXACTLY how they are going to end?? Are you incapable of decorating the tree or eating Christmas cookies until midnight or wrapping presents without the endless string of stories playing in the background?? Even though you KNOW that the unemployed chef is going to fall in love with the heartbroken t.v. repairman after they get trapped in an elevator…in a snowstorm…in a castle…or whatever. It doesn’t even matter…you will watch JUST to make sure they get their happy ending. Well no judgement from me. If there was a Hallmark Movie parade I would be marching in the front holding on to a giant heart shaped balloon and playing a trombone. I AM ALL IN when it comes to sappy…ALL IN!!!

One small problem. We don’t get the Hallmark channel. No fear!! I have found some fun ALMOST Hallmark movies on Netflix that should help you get through the Holiday season with PLENTY of normal girl plus prince drama to get you in the Christmas spirit.

First off, I am sure you have watched A Christmas Prince. I don’t want to ruin it for you if you somehow missed it, but last year they went on to release A Christmas Prince THE ROYAL WEDDING. And guess what people….Coming SOON…THE ROYAL BABY!!! In my opinion, they should make a sequel to EVERY Hallmark movie. Why not??? We know what we like…just keep giving us what we want and we will watch…right?!?!?

Speaking of do-overs, Vanessa Hudgens is back again this Christmas. Last Christmas was THE PRINCESS SWITCH where she played a baker AND a duchess who just so happened to look EXACTLY like each other and switched places…because we all love a good parent trap situation…and it could TOTALLY HAPPEN right?? This year THE KNIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS is headed our way. I NEVER get sick of time traveling knights…LIKE NEVER…so I will be tuned in for this one for SURE!! Plus, Vanessa Hudgens is about as beautiful as a girl can get…do we remember this spectacular gown from THE PRINCESS SWITCH??? I imagine if he can time travel to her…she might do some traveling back to him and wear something mind blowing to the ball…because we ALL KNOW there will be a ball…there just HASSSS to be a ball!!!

Even before there was Hallmark, there was Harlequin…and we know they will not let us down in the romance department. CHRISTMAS WITH A VIEW is a sweet little Christmas nugget based on a Harlequin book that takes place in a beautiful ski resort…of course it does!! It comes fully stocked with a nutty best friend, sneaky boss, and LOTSSS of snowy wonderland. Plus how can you resist when it has Bobby from Dallas??

And if you know who Bobby Ewing is, you PROBABLY also had a crush on Rob Lowe at one time or another too, so you MIGHT as well just pop some corn and watch HOLIDAY IN THE WILD. And if my boy ROB isn’t enough to get you to watch, and you DON’T need a little Kristen Davis kick in your day…watch it for the elephants or the stunning African scenery…or Rob Lowe without a shirt on…whatever…you choose.

As if that is not enough to keep you busy this Holiday season, there are LOTS of oldies but goodies to be found too. They don’t make it easy searching for LIKE HALLMARK CHRISTMAS movies on Netflix, so it is best to go in with a plan:)

BUT if you are not particular to your Hallmark fix being TOTALLY Christmas related, Falling INN Love should be on your list as well. Totally cheesy (I mean the name alone let’s you know that), but also TOTALLY “Hallmark-ish” and set in Australia…which is a fun change after all of the STUCK IN A SNOWSTORM movies for sure. ALSO, it never hurts to throw in a shirtless Australian leading man either…or just an Australian leading man in general…shirt on…I’m not picky.

I am sure there are more, I will keep you posted…I got your back girl!! Happy watching. Jess

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