PROGRESS over perfection

Well somehow it is already August and I feel like 2020 has been the year of forgotten goals. SOOO I am going to take this opportunity to start fresh and make some new resolutions. As I was contemplating this, I decided I needed a word…something that would pop into my mind anytime I wanted to sit on the couch and watch Netflix and eat chocolate chips outta the bag. I google searched POWER words and decided on PROGRESS. August would be the month of progress. BUT then as I started to plan my month, my goals became more clear. I have a LOT of un-finished (and un-started) projects around my house WAITING for me to get some sort of AMAZING idea and create MAGIC. But I REALLY don’t need magic…I just need PROGRESS. SOOOO I have decided for August I will be striving for PROGRESS OVER PERFECTION!!

progress over perfection

What does progress over perfection MEAN??

It means JUST DO IT. Even if I do not find the PERFECT organization system for under my bathroom sink, I will clean it out and organize it the best I can. Progress OVER perfection. Even if I cannot afford all new matching hangers for my closet, I will still clean up the floor and shelves so that I can find that ONE shoe that has disappeared. Progress over perfection. I MAY not get the ENTIRE garage cleaned out and organized in August (it is a true #$%@ show out there), but I WILL start taking the extra bags of junk to the thrift store now that it has re-opened. Progress OVER perfection. And I MAY not get my entire life and budget back on track and organized and lose 20 pounds and make home-cooked dinner every night, BUT I will make small changes to make myself more organized, healthier, and more motivated. BABY STEPS. Not perfection…but at least it is progress.

organized closet

Why settle for Progress and not aim for perfection??

When I was a kid, my mom would send me to my room to clean it up. Instead of doing a quick tidy and moving on with my life, I would COMPLETELY tear my entire room apart, empty the contents of my closet, and begin organizing EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF MY ROOM. Which sounds great, but I would get tired and overwhelmed somewhere in the middle and end up sitting in my bean bag chair looking through yearbooks for 3 hours while wearing my 3rd grade ballet costume. Then for a week (or until my mom would lose it again), I would have a room that was 100 times WORSE than it had been when I started. And guess what…this is STILL how I roll!! When I complete a project, it is GREAT. The problem…I often set such HIGH expectations that I NEVER begin. Instead of failing to strive PERFECT, I just achieve NOTHING. So for August, I am NOT going to accept the NOTHING, but I am also not going to aim for the PERFECT. Progress is the goal. Progress on the garage. Progress on the bathroom cabinets. PROGRESS on the NOT baking and eating goodies EVERY SINGLE DAY because we are still in phase 1 and I cannot even handle how stinking long this social distancing thing has gone on (and on and on and on!! ). Progress!!


Progress on what??

I am a goal girl. Set me a goal and give me a timer and I can get’er done. So here is my list…help keep me accountable.

  1. bathroom cabinets
  2. master closet
  3. home-school room
  4. garage
  5. spare bedroom
  6. laundry room
  7. pantry

I am already picturing Pinterest worthy makeovers and GIANT projects. I ALMOST hopped on my phone to scroll Amazon for cute storage solutions. BUT NO!! I do NOT need to make these spaces PERFECT, I just need to make a little progress towards LESS OF A DISASTER!! More progress and LESS waiting for perfection. I am soooo excited to start checking some baby steps off of my to-do list for August!! Happy August…let’s crush some new goals before 2021 sneaks up on us!! Jess

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