You know all those cool products that pop up on TikTok that you just cannot believe that you ever lived without?? NO….REALLY!?!! Haha….me either. I actually do not even HAVE TikTok, yet SOMEHOW I see these videos and then find myself sneaking off to Amazon to purchase a random cleaner called THE PINK STUFF!! I watched people cleaning ALL SORTS OF DISCUSTING STUFF with this cute little jar of pink cream…and I jumped right on that bandwagon REAL QUICK!!!

SOOOO first off, what the heck IS the pink stuff??? Well I am not a scientist, so I don’t actually KNOW, but I DO know that it smells a bit like strawberries, has ZERO negative effects on my asthma while I clean, and makes my oven sparkle. And REALLY that is all I need to know I think. Because of my asthma, I have to be SUPER careful when cleaning my bathrooms. I have tried LOTS of “so called” green cleaners that STILL get me hacking and coughing by the end of the day. BUT there is nothing harsh or smelly about The Pink Stuff. It actually smells delightful…but not overpowering and has NEVER made me feel light headed afterwards. Which is saying a lot, because MOST oven cleaners smell up the house for DAYS!!! OR they would if I actually used them…which I don’t…because I am too scared of the fumes.

What have I used it for so far??? I started off with my stovetop and oven, then moved to my hard water stains, then cleaned all of my sinks and showers, and then a pair of dirty sneakers. It worked like a champ on everything. The only downfall I see is that it DOES take quite a bit of the product to clean, so I have almost used up my first tub. BUT it is pretty cheap compared to other green cleaners, so I cannot really complain about that.

Did it REALLY work?? Ok. So here is the REAL question. Yes it did work. NO it is NOT magic. The Pink Stuff has a bit of an abrasive scrubbing texture to it, which helps clean up most tough messes. It cleaned up my oven REALLY well, but I did have to do quite a bit of scrubbing. It did NOT just eat the black mess up. I started with a clean microfiber cloth, but that only got MOST of the easier mess up. THEN I used a dish brush to REALLY get scrubbing. BUT I also had not cleaned the oven before this…like…ever. SOOOO it might have worked better on an easier stain. That being said, for me it was worth a bit of scrubbing NOT to have to use a harsher more dangerous (to my asthma) cleaner. Even though I still had to use some elbow grease, I DID end up with a pretty clean oven.

Where can I buy THE PINK STUFF?? I grabbed HERE, but I have heard that it can be found in Walmart, Lowes, and Bed Bath and Beyond. I have not confirmed that though…because I LOVE shopping from home:) The Amazon reviews are pretty amazing too…and I get MOST of my advice from Amazon Reviews these days:) I am seeing more PINK products pop up…spray cleaners, scrubbers, etc…but I have not tried it out. I will keep you posted. I would love it if a spray worked just as well because the cream CAN get a bit messy. BUT I have a feeling that the spray will be more for SMALL jobs or easy messes.

Have you tried THE PINK STUFF yet?? What have you used it on?? I am ready to try it again somewhere else in my house…I will update you if I find any other magical uses:) If this gives you the cleaning bug, you can find more cleaning hacks HERE and HERE…good luck. Happy Cleaning!!! JESS

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