
  • The softest chocolate chip cookie recipe

    Wanna know the SOFTEST chocolate chip cookie recipe???? These cookies will not disappoint and will keep your cookies NICE and soft FOR DAYS!!! There is JUST something about a warm chocolate chip cookie that NEVER gets old. No matter what new cool thing comes out…I will NEVER stop loving the good old standby cookie. AND the best part is that there are about 10 million different recipes to try. BUT the one I ALWAYS go back to is this one with a super secret ingredient that makes these the softest gooiest cookies AND keeps them nice and soft for up to a week.!! BECAUSE there is nothing worse than a…

  • Caramel Apple Dump Cake

    You guys…it is BARELY Fall-ISH weather and I am already craving ALL of the warm gooey winter treats. SOOOOO it is time for me to officially enter the hoodie and leggings portion of the year I guess. During camping season I was REALLY itching to make a Dutch oven peach cobbler (or dump cake), but never got around to it. THEN I decided to try some APPLE recipes since it is THAT time of year. THEN I had a caramel apple the other day and BOOM…my brain was like…I bet a caramel apple CAKE would be AMAZING!! AND guess what…IT IS!! Say hello to Caramel Apple Dump Cake. OK…so let…

  • Frozen S’mores Recipe

    Eating s’mores around the campfire is fun and I like to do it during the summer…ONCE…but I also love to mix it up and make this cool summer frozen version of the perfect summertime treat!! Frozen S’mores are now a family favorite. ANDDDD I don’t want to diss the original marshmallow goodness, but I like frozen s’mores EVEN BETTER!!! Don’t tell!! The best part about frozen s’mores is that it takes just 3 ingredients and about 5 minutes. These are perfect to make ahead for a bbq or house party, and are a total hit. We like to mix it up and use different flavors of ice cream too. Some…

  • Banana Split Cookie recipe

    Hey…remember me?!?! I meant to take a week long summer break, and ended up being blog silent for over a month…oops!! I haven’t just been eating popsicles and swimming all day long though…I have still been sharing over on INSTAGRAM. Make sure you follow along over there to see all of the EVERY DAY happenings at Orchard Slope. I share A LOT of stuff over there that NEVER makes it over here to the blog. ALRIGHTY…enough about that!! You are here for the COOKIES!! Me too. I am ALWAYS HERE FOR COOKIES!! If you are going to make ONE recipe from this blog…I would recommend this Banana Split Cookie Recipe:)…

  • Lucky Charms Treats

    Wanna know something funny…I did not try Lucky Charms Cereal until I was an adult. My sister was diabetic, and we never had cereal like that at our house. I had NO clue that the marshmallow shapes were not soft and chewy. The first time I tried them I was NOT impressed. The marshmallows reminded me of astronaut food. I guess my taste-buds are aging in reverse, because now I think they are delightful…haha. BUT wanna know how to make them EVEN BETTER?!?! Smother them in butter and ACTUAL marshmallows. BOOOM!! SO good!! Think of Lucky Charms Treats like Rice Krispie Treats cute little sister. Sidenote…these are especially fun for…

  • Recipe: Mud Pie Cups

    Last month was Ethan’s birthday and he made a request for homemade mud pie for his party. Mud pie has been a staple at family birthday parties for as far back as I can remember, but Ethan threw a little wrench in my plans when he asked…”Can they each have a little individual mud pie…like a cupcake??” CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!! I decided to TRY making Mud Pie Cups and SUCCESS!! We have found a new family favorite…Mud Pie Cups. A few helpful tips: Use pretty sturdy cups because the crust on the bottom takes some effort to get out…and you don’t want a destroyed cup raining ice-cream all over your house.…

  • Easy 3 Ingredient Banana Bread Recipe

    If you know me, you know I don’t like ANYTHING difficult or that takes too much time. I am ALL about simple and easy hacks to get stuff done faster. BUT I also really love to bake…or more specifically, I really love to eat baked goods:) Give me all the cheater meals and 3 ingredient recipes please…no shame in the game for me!!! And it seems that there are more of you out there looking for simple recipes too because this is THE MOST requested recipe on my Instagram. I shared it once in stories, and I get asked weekly…NOW HOW DO I MAKE THAT EASY BANANA BREAD?? IS IT…

  • Sugar Cookie Frosting

    As long as I can remember, my Granny made us heart shaped sugar cookies for Valentine’s Day. It was a fun tradition and always such a special treat. This year I am TRYING to add in some EXTRA fun for my kiddos since Covid has basically sucked all of the fun out of EVERYTHING. Sooooo I decided to dust off the cookie cutters and whip up a batch of Grandma’s Valentine cookies. I shared my Grandma June’s sugar cookie recipe a few months ago HERE, but since we all know that a cookie is JUST NOT A COOKIE without some yummy frosting…here comes THE BEST BEATER LICKING BUTTERCREAM FROSTING RECIPE…

  • Simple 3 Ingredient Frozen Hot Chocolate

    The week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve is always a bit of a blur. Eat, watch movies, play games, eat and repeat. This year the goodies have been an even bigger temptation!! I honestly am a little worried that when Covid restrictions lift, I won’t fit into any pants…or even hoodies at the rate I am going. But that is a WHOLE other story. Today…it is ALLL about yummy cocoa-y goodness. With just 3 ingredients and very little prep work, even my kids can make their own frozen hot chocolate treat. We LOVE frozen hot chocolate at our house. It is a perfect after dinner treat!! It has the…

  • Neighbor Gift Idea: Yummy Sugar Cookie Chex Mix

    If you are anything like me, you always have big plans for making neighbor treats early each year…and then Christmas Eve rolls around and you are scrambling to make them something yummy at the last MOST stressful minute!!! Seriously, you think I would learn. The only year I was even REMOTELY on the ball, I tried making my neighbors caramels 4 times…FOUR TIMES!! They just would NOT set up!!! Then a friend of mine told me that you cannot make caramels in the rain…SAY WHAT?!?! Sooo now I am all about tried and true recipes that CANNOT fail. And this SUGAR COOKIE CHEX MIX is a favorite!! ANDDDD the best…