Books to get you in the Christmas Spirit!!

Is it just me, or does December just make you wanna read ALL the Christmas books??? Sometimes I want to read true literature full of figurative language and deep symbolism…BUT sometimes I just need some mindless good old-fashioned fun romantic comedy. And THAT is where the CHRISTMAS ESCAPE book series fits in. If you like a good beach read/Hallmark movie type situation…this series has GOT you covered: nothing too deep, lots of funny dialogue, clean romance, and PLENTY of Christmas spirit!!

There are 7 books, some better than others, but all with the same general rom/com vibe. Did I mention they are all free with Kindle Unlimited?? I honestly cannot believe how great it feels to look at the price of a book and see FREE!! The Chrismas Escape books can be read in ANY order…but I thought I would let you know my FAVORITES!!

Christmas books

Ok. SOOO I am not great at picking favorites, but let me give it a try. Later On We’ll Conspire was maybe my favorite in the series. BUT…I might be biased because part of it takes place in Leavenworth, Washington, which just so happens to be one of my MOST favorite places…especially at Christmas!! Besides it taking place in a little gingerbread village of Christmas cheer, it also breaks the mold of the typical rom/com stereotype a bit. Instead of the love interest owning an inn or being a lumberjack single father widowed cupcake baker, he is actually a spy. And when I say spy, I mean scaling apartment buildings, diffusing bombs, killing terrorists in the gas station bathroom type spy. You have to put reality aside for this one and just enjoy the ride:)

Christmas Books

It surprises me to say it, but I think Faking Christmas is my next favorite. It has the typical FAKE dating vibe that I always THINK is gonna get old…but for some reason NEVER does. Plus, lots of awkward situations, pretty scenery, and general Christmas Shenanigans…like gingerbread house competitions, a jealous ex-boyfriend, and a polar plunge.

I think I am done going in order now. I read them all so fast they are starting to blur together at this point:) In A NEWPORT CHRIST-MESS, the timid baker/influencer heads to Newport to create gingerbread house centerpieces for an elaborate Christmas wedding…only to find that the house she is supposed to stay in is already occupied by the bride’s brother. In Host for the Holidays, we have the florist in a bad relationship heading off to Paris to HOPEFULLY get engaged to her loser boyfriend…only to end up sharing an Airbnb with an overly sweet Frenchmen who JUST so happens to be filling in for the homeowner. AND in Christmas Baggage, an unlucky in love florist heads off to England to get away from her problems for the Holidays and spend time with her bestie, only to end up spending the trip with her bestie’s hot British cousin while her buddy recuperates from food poisoning. SOOOO basically the trifecta of home for the holiday MIX-UPS.

Christmas romance

I have to give a shoutout to the author of A Not So Holiday Paradise because she REALLY broke the mold with her main character. Molly is not your average rom/com love interest. She is a chubby red head with freckles and a tendency to talk about fish whenever she gets nervous. PLUS, she has epilepsy. All of this combine to make her someone you REALLY wanna cheer for. If that is not enough, the love interest is an anti-social introvert with parent issues. The fact that the characters were NORMAL and relatable was a big plus for me. I didn’t know much about epilepsy, and there is a part of the book where the character suffers a seizure. It was very vivid and NOT through rose-colored glasses. I appreciated that honesty. The basic rundown is this…Molly stops at a Caribbean Island while on a cruise with her family. They pop by to visit her brother’s best friend, who she has been not-so secretly in love with for years. Through a few twists of fate, a meddling mother, and a giant windstorm, the two of them end up missing the ride back to the ship and wind up alone on a beautiful island together.

ANDDDD I am just now realizing that I never read Cotswolds Holiday because it hadn’t come out yet when I was flying through the others. SOOOO I will just have to jump right on that this weekend:) According to the description, our main character runs off to England to escape being in her ex-boyfriends wedding and ends up with a Lumberjack-esque landlord who happens to own a pub and be gorgeous. SOOOO it sounds like lots of Christmas mishaps and mistletoe are in store for this one too!!! I will keep you posted.

I just finished up a couple more Christmas Rom/com type books…I will get them added to the blog soon…if only my family didn’t want dinner EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!! Haha!! AND I just want to remind you of YESTERDAYS POST where I shared my NUMBER ONE book pick for this Christmas season. If you can only choose one…that one is my FAV!!! Anddddd here are a few links for books of Christmas past…

I shared all of my thoughts about Season of Wonder over HERE a few years back. Apparently I have a thing for Hallmark-ish Christmas books:) Set in small town Idaho…I can NEVER resist the PNW books!!

And another beautiful cover that I could not resist!! This one was before my blog days…but you can see my thoughts on A Holiday by Gaslight over HERE. And lucky day…it currently looks to be a free download from Amazon!!

HERE is another PRE blog book review on Snowfall on Lighthouse Lane. 2nd chances at love AND the ocean…YES PLEASE!!

I hope you get to spend some time with some cocoa, a good book, and a cozy blanket this Christmas season. I would love to hear what favorite books YOU would add to the list. Leave your suggestions in the comments and let’s chat again soon. –Jess

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