
  • Book Review: The Afterlife of Holly Chase

    I am not even gonna pretend on this one. If you are only going to read ONE book this Christmas Season, it should be THIS one!! The Afterlife of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand is a modern CHRISTMAS CAROL retelling and I could NOT put it down!!! My homeschool group is learning about Dickens and A Christmas Carol this month, and so I just sorta FELL into this book by accident while searching for a book that would interest my high school girls. Before I even assigned pages to read, one student already finished the book AND LOVED IT!! And I downloaded it to pre-read before my students got it…

  • Create a SIMPLE hot chocolate station in minutes!!

    Christmas is coming in hot this year!!! I am still sneaking Halloween candy out of the pantry after the kids go to sleep and I am WAY behind on putting up the Christmas tree and buying Christmas presents. But whether I am ready or not…HERE IT COMES!! As my kids get older and the Christmas magic is tougher to create, I have tried to add in little bits of joy each day…ANYTHING to add a bit of Christmas cheer and extra goodness to each day leading up to Christmas. This year, I decided to create a simple little hot chocolate station for the kids to enjoy. These days it can…

  • Simple Air Fryer Apple Pie

    It might not TECNICALLY be fall yet…but in MY mind, summer is long over and it is time to bring on the apples, pumpkin spice, and crunchy leaves…YES PLEASE!!! I am already in FULL ON apple baking mode. Good thing it is almost hoodie season too…cause the summer body I never got this year is ready for big fluffy sweaters and Christmas cookies…and of course some yummy air fryer apple pie…yummmmm!!!! I started off the baking season with this yummy air fryer apple pie and it was a GOOD choice!! Yummy apple goodness, flaky sugary crust, only 2 ingredients, and ALMOST zero effort or baking skill required…MY KIND OF RECIPE!!!…

  • Book Review: The Winter Guest

    Being a homeschool mom has many benefits, but one downside is my lack of solo time. I spend 24 hours a day with my kids…which is GREAT…but also often makes me wanna pull out all of my hair and hide in the pantry with a bag of chocolate chips. It also GREATLY limits my personal reading time. In the last year I have read LOTS of books aloud to Ethan about dragons and Camelot and talking mice. AND I have read Little House on the Prairie and Heidi again for the first time in YEARS. BUT at the end of the day, I was starting to feel the need for…

  • Tips for decluttering your closet TODAY!!

    If there is ONE thing that most people all have in common, I think it is STUFF!! We all have it…most of us have too much of it…and we are always trying to find ways to deal with it. While on vacation, I realized that my closet at home needed to be more like my suitcase…only filled with items I COULD and WOULD wear. This led me to a deep clean and declutter of my closet to make it more usable, less cluttered, and WAYYYY more peaceful. You can watch how I did it and WHY in my most recent Youtube video!! Make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel…


    You know all those cool products that pop up on TikTok that you just cannot believe that you ever lived without?? NO….REALLY!?!! Haha….me either. I actually do not even HAVE TikTok, yet SOMEHOW I see these videos and then find myself sneaking off to Amazon to purchase a random cleaner called THE PINK STUFF!! I watched people cleaning ALL SORTS OF DISCUSTING STUFF with this cute little jar of pink cream…and I jumped right on that bandwagon REAL QUICK!!! SOOOO first off, what the heck IS the pink stuff??? Well I am not a scientist, so I don’t actually KNOW, but I DO know that it smells a bit like…

  • The Mindful Heart Homeschool Curriculum

    Back to school is still in full swing at Orchard Slope. I have not shared a lot about our previous curriculum choices OR our current homeschool curriculum, but today is the day that all changes. We are on year 3 of homeschool and I finally feel like I have my feet under me as a homeschool mom. I will share ALL of our curriculum choices for 2021 eventually, but I wanna start with The Mindful Heart. You can watch my YouTube video ALL about THE MINDFUL HEART, how we plan to use it in our homeschool, a full flip through, AND information on how to get $200 in free curriculum…

  • Free Printable Tag

    I am headed off into the forest to spend the week in the mountains with the great youth of our church. I CANNOT WAIT!! We have been planning for months. I have been packing for days. And I probably won’t sleep much tonight in anticipation. This will be Emersyn’s first year heading up to Girls’ Camp and I want her to have the absolute best time. I remember my years at summer camp making new friends, staying up late, and sneaking out of our tent. Those things are all fine and dandy, but we are also going up to the mountains to unplug from our daily lives, learn more about…

  • 6 steps to becoming CLUTTER FREE!!

    Do you have that ONE space in your house that just needs a better system?? FULL DISCLOSURE…I have LOTS of those spaces. In January, I cleaned under my bathroom cabinet. I searched high and low for the perfect containers, I cleared out the junk, organized every Q-tip and bobby pin, and it looked amazing!! BUT guess what??? IT DID NOT LAST!! Even though it looked pretty, the system was not user-friendly. I had to take out 2 containers EVERY time I wanted to grab anything, the stacked boxes were always tipping over and spilling, I never knew WHICH bin to look in, and after a few days, I just started…

  • Summer Boredom Busters

    Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own. How many times have you heard “Mom, I don’t have anything to do,” or “Mom, I’m bored,” already this Summer?? In a perfect world, the kids would go outside from sun-up (or if we are being honest they would sleep in) to sun-down and play nicely together only coming in for lunch and dinner. BUT we alllllll know this is not a perfect world and that kid boredom turns into screen time,…